Tuesday, April 21, 2009

100,000 Miles

The Goldwing has finally "officially" gone over the 100,000 mile mark. Officially, because it has 1,300+ miles with no speedo. I haven't been doing the long rides in recent years, but this motorcycle has taken me on some good trips — cross-country, very-long cross-country, long local, and shorter trips.

The extra 1,300 miles happened on a very long cross country trip: SoCal to the Boston area by way of Key West, Florida and with a side trip Downeast. I was trying for a lot of non-Interstate miles and found myself in Galveston, Texas heading for the ferry to cross to Port Bolivar.

As I was cruising down to the ferry landing, the speedometer twitched a couple of times and died. No problem – I continued on, planning to troubleshoot later in the day. I narrowed it down to the drive unit on the front wheel, and started looking for a Honda dealer. I made it all the way to Daytona Beach without finding a replacement, but decided to press on to Key West. Well, the dealer there couldn't help, but after a few days rest I called Daytona Beach and asked if they would get one.

When I got there they had the drive and wheeled me right in for the fix. An hour or so and around $130 and I was on my way. The replacement cost was reasonable and since that is the only non-scheduled maintenance done, I'd say it's a cheap ride.

The biggest problem — no speedo meant no cruise control, so I really suffered until I got it fixed.

Goldwing at 99k
Eastbound on Orange Ave, west of Valley View.
Goldwing at 100k
Still eastbound on Orange Ave, west of Knott Ave. I live on the left, just past the light.

The time is a nice touch that I didn't notice until I was choosing the pictures.


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