Monday, March 31, 2008

What's Up

Well, I haven't posted for some time. That means either there's nothing going on or there's so much going on I don't have time to do anything here.

Tom on KAF Dhahran flight lineTom—1991
King Abdul Aziz Air Base
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

I have been a little busy for the last couple of weeks. Some writers have contacted me after seeing my Gulf War I/Desert Storm web page. The page is actually viewed several times a day by people searching and entering relevant search words. Anyway, one is a GWI veteran who is writing a book and has asked me some questions about what was going on with the Kuwait Air Force in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The other is a couple of Brazilian writers working on a history of the A-4KU aircraft, as they are now in service with the Brazil's Navy.

I decided to rescan the pictures at higher resolution. They were taken on a snapshot-type 35MM camera with the film processed locally and I don't think either the camera or processing equipment was in good shape as the film is scratched up pretty good. I had to go to my storage bin and dig out the scanner—a Canon FS-4000US, and it's going pretty good, but the scanner is acting up a little as it tends to die every day after 8 - 10 scans. But, I have only a few left to do so I think I'm in good shape.

A-4KU loaded-ready for missionKuwait Air Force A-4KU
Armed for mission—Desert Storm
Mk-82 500lb bombs, Guns, ADSIDs

Some of the pictures are pretty unique, and since the magazine writers indicated they might ask to use a few, I decided I'd scan at maximum resolution, which is 4,000 dpi and 42 bit depth, with dust and scratch removal on.

Not much else has been going on. I'm trying to get back into a regular exercise pattern, but that's going slow, and a regular diet, and that's going slower.


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